Ricordi di neve al Collegio!
Entrare in classe e fare lezione con la neve che fiocca? Non nascondo che è un’esperienza unica e irripetibile: vedere gli occhi dei miei studenti catalizzati dai fiocchi che scendono…
La decisione va presa subito: lavoriamo sullo stupore e sulla novità che vediamo dalla finestra. La lingua straniera diventa un modo per esprimersi!
Ecco i commenti di due studentesse della Scuola Secondaria:
“Last Thursday it was a white beautiful day!
We were in our classroom with Mrs Rigo, the English teacher, and suddenly we saw little snowflakes out of the window: “It is snowing!”.
When we saw the snow we started speaking out loud and making noise.
Everybody was happy for the arrival of the snow.
My class and I waited for the break. When we arrived in the schoolyard we made snowballs and we threw the balls to the other students, then we made a snow battle.
It was the best break of my life!” (Giorgia, 2^ A)
“We were having our Italian lesson when we noticed a lot of snowflakes coming down from the sky.
We were all enthusiastic and we turned and looked out of the windows: the courtyard was covered with snow!
At 10:40 we had our break but it was not a “normal” day: it was special!
We threw snowballs and we had the opportunity to take some pictures. It was a unique moment that doesn’t happen very often!” (Carolina, 2^ B)
Prof.ssa Elena Rigo
Lingua Inglese – Scuola secondaria di primo grado