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Open Day

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Canteen Service

We believe that a good school also distinguishes itself through the quality of services that it offers and particularly, through the school canteen. For this reason, during the course of 2015 the school’s on-site kitchen underwent restoration by installing new machinery, and by re-organizing the food preparation area. The canteen’s management was entrusted to Ristorazione Forcellini which has been operating in the catering field for over 30 years and produces more than 2 million meals annually and employs about 200 people, 30% of which are underprivileged.

The actual dining hall was also renovated and modernized. Today the hall is an explosion of colours which makes the environment the ideal place in which to share a meal in a positive and cheerful atmosphere and thereby, facilitating a positive approach to food and nutrition.


The preparation of the menu, which is conceived specifically for children and adolescents, is in synergy with SIAN (Servizio di Igieni, Alimenti e Nutrizione) of the local health unit (ULSS territoriale).

Ristorazione Forcellini relies on a team of experts and prefers raw materials at 0 km in order to create a balanced diet suitable for each age range. They pay careful attention to having canteens which are well-equipped, well-lit and cozy in order to enjoy a relaxing break. What the company says about itself:

“Entrusting to choose our internal catering service means:

  • A diversified summer and winter menu
  • Special diets Personalized menus for food intolerances (at express request)
  • Balanced menus for each age range
  • Use of controlled and tested raw materials 

First quality raw materials and local produce are just some of the indicators of the services we offer. We work daily at meticulously preparing and cooking meals at various hours to ensure different services to students of different ages.

Our professional cooks are constantly in contact with the quality control super- visor and the dietician to develop special diets for students that have intolerances or allergies. Once the diet has been drawn up, it is presented to both the school and to the student’s family, after which, the cook receives instructions on how to prepare the meals so that they are worked separately from other foods.

The preparation of special foods follow a very accurate procedure: once the food is ready it is thermosealed in specific containers and labelled so as to distinguish it from other foods.

Quality control, safety and familiarity have always been the cornerstone on which Ristorazione Forcellini bases its partnership: offering a service that is fit for children and adolescents with the tranquillity of a meal at home, but also with the attention and the safety that a team of professionals is able to offer.

For special notices regarding special diets, intolerances and personalized catering services please contact us at: or 0438 23562

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School Calendar


Colloqui genitori bambini mezzani

16:00 - 18:30

Centro giustizia riparativa giovani Conflitti a scuola ma non solo... Giovani mediatori

18:15 - 20:00 | Musei Civici di Treviso - Sede di Santa Caterina, Piazzetta Botter Mario, 1, 31100 Treviso TV, Italia


09:00 - 11:00

In ascolto della bellezza

17:00 - 19:00

STAFF di coordinamento

09:30 - 11:30


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