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Open Day

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Scuola dell'Infanzia
Scuola Primaria
Scuola Secondaria di primo grado
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Educational offer

The Junior Secondary School welcomes pre-teens and, through an environment rich in educational and didactic stimuli, offers them the possibility of complete training.

The educational and didactic activities offered by Collegio Immacolata guide a process of growth aimed at allowing the young person to develop:

  • self-awareness,
  • autonomy,
  • ability to relate,
  • sense of responsibility,
  • awareness and acceptance of the different,
  • ability to live reciprocity and solidarity.

International School

Collegio Immacolata offers an international didactic course that combines the Salesian pedagogical tradition with the certified study of languages and the experience of meeting and live communication with students from other English-speaking and Spanish-speaking Salesian schools. It opens the hearts and minds of students by opening them to the world.

It takes advantage of digital opportunities and the use of technologies to favour the attitudes of each student, enhancing their talent and creativity.

A project for the future

The project makes the acquisition of languages stimulating, developing active use among peers during visits, exchanges and twinning trips abroad.

It provides the student with a valid passport for the future, certifying skills in two of the most widely spoken languages in the world: English and Spanish.

Our proposals

Communication in language with foreign students of English-speaking and Spanish-speaking Salesian schools; 8 days in a foreign school (with lessons and guided tours in language), years second and third; study holiday abroad at the end of the year, years second and third;

Preparatory to CLIL (lessons in English of Sience, Art, History, Geography …); KET / PET and DELE certificates; library with more than 100 graded readings, accompanied by CD-ROMs; active participation in theatre performances in English and Spanish.

For those who want more …

Study holiday abroad; certificates KET / PET (English), DELE (Spanish), ECDL (European Computer Driving License); language courses; films in original version; cooking workshops in foreign language ; Latin course; robotics; music courses; mural painting; comic strip course; theatre; sport; afterschool clubs.

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School Calendar


ATTIVITÀ DIDATTICA A TEMPO PIENO per tutti. Prolungato fino ore 17.00 per chi chiede

07:30 - 16:00

Attività didattica a TEMPO PIENO con RIENTRI (al MART. e GIOV.)

07:55 - 16:10

Attività didattica a TEMPO PIENO

07:55 - 16:00



09:00 - 11:00


Colloqui Genitori bambini sez. Primavera

16:30 - 18:30+1


Dal 1897 educatori per passione e dedizione.

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