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Open Day

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Sono interessato a:
Scuola dell'Infanzia
Scuola Primaria
Scuola Secondaria di primo grado
Parteciperò all'Open Day in data:

Junior Secondary School

Junior Secondary School of Collegio Immacolata is a Catholic, Salesian ,state – recognised school, that:

  • IS LOOKING FOR the best for children with an authentic educational passion.
  • AIMS at the integral growth of the person and teaches active citizenship, according to Don Bosco who stated that it is the duty of the educator to form “good citizens and honest Christians”.
  • APPLIES the preventive system of Don Bosco that combines reason, religion and loving-kindness.
  • EMPHASISES the presence of an educator who is welcoming, open to dialogue and able to accompany the young individual’s personal growth as a true “maestro”.
  • TEACHES hospitality, solidarity, appreciation of every culture and every person.
  • PROPOSES education in faith, respect and freedom.
  • INVOLVES the family in educational activities through constant dialogue and participation in learning and festive moments in the Salesian spirit.
  • PROMOTES scholastic and educational orientation to assist the child in the discovery of himself and in the realization of his own life project.
  • RECEIVES the consultancy of COSPES specialists to promote the growth of the person, in collaboration with the family and the teaching staff.
  • APPLIES innovative teaching, attentive to new technologies and aimed at strengthening linguistic and digital skills.
Last news
School Calendar


Colloqui genitori bambini mezzani

16:00 - 18:30

Centro giustizia riparativa giovani Conflitti a scuola ma non solo... Giovani mediatori

18:15 - 20:00 | Musei Civici di Treviso - Sede di Santa Caterina, Piazzetta Botter Mario, 1, 31100 Treviso TV, Italia


09:00 - 11:00

In ascolto della bellezza

17:00 - 19:00

STAFF di coordinamento

09:30 - 11:30


Dal 1897 educatori per passione e dedizione.

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